After a hugely successful debut last year, WOMPA is back! Short for West of Melbourne Performing Arts. Essence is excited to run this event in conjunction with Wyndham Cultural Centre for its second year. WOMPA is a one-act play festival and this year’s theme is Unexpected Connections.

Application Form

  • Timing

    Maximum of ten minutes (running time), an unpublished play not previously performed to a paying audience.

    Bump in/bump out for 3 minutes. So basically what you can walk on with. This will assist in the flow of the night and ensure the focus is on script and performance rather than unwieldy sets.

    Theme of play – Unexpected Connections.  

    Who can enter

    Anyone (16+)  

    Performance date        

    Finalists to perform at Wyndham Cultural Centre April 21st at 2pm

    The Event  

    Ten finalists (person or teams) perform their plays. 

    Award Categories

    Judges Best Written ($200 prize money)

    Judges Best Production ($100 Prize money)

    People’ Choice Best Production Gold

    People Choice Best Production Silver

    Best Actor x 2

    As being selected to be part of the final ten is already a win, each finalist will receive a certificate of recognition.  Winners on the performance nights will also receive a monetary prize, a trophy. 

    Entry Fee



    Opens October 4th, Closes December 11th 2023

    Main Performance

    All plays will be performed and awards given on April 21st 2pm.  Performances 5 plays, break.  Next 5, Break while judges confer.

    Playwright and Director of Essence Theatre Productions, Alaine Beek, will be the main facilitator of this new festival in line with the company’s drive to build performing arts in the Wyndham.

    This is a collaborative program with the Wyndham Cultural Centre.

Queries? – contact Alaine Beek on 0439 690 091 or